Adult Mission Trips

We just sent a great group of adults on a Mission trip to Guatemala in October 2016.  We are currently planning a return trip on March 9-19, 2018!

The Mission Guatemala trip to Panajachel is scheduled for March 9-19, 018 and is open to adults and youth 16 years and older (unless traveling with a parent).  We have three 'fun' days build into the trip in addition to the 5 days of working side by side with the local people on projects that contribute to their community.  Total cost is estimated to be $1800.  A $100 deposit will reserve a spot on the 2018 team.  An additional $800 will be due 12/1/17 with final payment due 1/24/18.  Watch the bulletin for an informational meeting in August that will occur after 9:45am worship.  In the meantime, start earning money for the trip by contacting Sally at to sign up to package and sell bread on Sunday mornings.

For an overview of last year's work see 2016 Mission Trip.

Each member of last year's team returned with more than they gave.

"It was humbling to finally be the one giving help rather than just taking it.  Probably my biggest take away was seeing these people who have nothing compared to me and yet they always has a smile on their face!" 
       -- Jonathan, member of 2016 team

"For me it was understanding I was finding my source of happiness in the wrong places."
      -- Corey, member of the 2016 team