Will you be visiting Eureka UMC on Sunday for the first time? Wonderful! Here is what you can expect.
We have two parking lots. The North parking lot is located just west of Central Avenue on Third Street. Once you have parked your vehicle, walk towards the church and head to the double doors at the south end of the smaller parking lot (disabled parking) situated between the church building and the 'rock' house. A member of our hospitality team will welcome you at the door. The South parking lot is located just west of Central Avenue on Second Street. Once you have parked your vehicle, enter through either set of doors on the large, white, atrium entrance. A member of our hospitality team will welcome you at the door. Once inside, continue up the stairs to our Commons area.
Once inside the Commons area, other hospitality team members will be available to welcome you and to answer any questions you may have. A large, overhead sign in the Commons area will direct you towards the JAM (Jesus and Me) Children's Ministry "check in" kiosk. JAM is for children 3 years old through the fifth grade. This is also where you will find our staffed nursery (ages birth through 2 years old). Older students are encouraged to join their families in the worship service. Please visit our Connections kiosk to obtain information about the various missions and ministries of the church. Coffee, hot cocoa, juice, water, and light snacks are available before and after the worship services at the Coffee kiosk in the Commons area.
The worship area is located adjacent to the Commons area, through the double doors near the Connections kiosk. The seating in our worship area can accommodate approximately 300 people. Restrooms are located in the corridor near the rear of the worship area.
The staff, members, friends, and guests of Eureka UMC typically dress very casual on Sunday mornings. It's common to see people in jeans and even shorts in the summer. Many kids may also be wearing sports uniforms on Sundays as they prepare for a game later that morning.
Our 8:30 am worship service includes traditional Christian hymns led by our choir and accompanied by the organ or piano.
Our 9:45 am worship service includes modern Christian praise music led by our Praise Team which includes vocalists, guitarists, a bass guitarist, a keyboardist, and a drummer.
Both worship services include numerous songs led respectively by the choir or the praise team. The messages offered by Pastor Tim are the same at both worship services on Sunday morning. Communion is typically offered on the first Sunday of the month during both worship services. We encourage first time guests to complete the attendance form found at the bottom of the worship bulletin. Eureka UMC will make a donation in honor of first time guests and their families to Imagine No Malaria, a world wide ministry of the United Methodist Church. This will provide a mosquito net for a family in Africa and prevent them from contracting this deadly disease.
Pastor Tim is usually near the Connections kiosk between the worship services and after the 9:45 am worship service. Please stop by and introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you on Sunday!
This is a great question! At Eureka UMC, we want you to experience the fullness of God's grace and love, and we believe that is best experienced in community. We have developed a path to connection; we call it "Next Steps".
The First Step
So where do you start? You are invited to gather for an informal "Ice Cream With The Pastor" on selected Sunday mornings throughout the year. During this time, you'll meet with Pastor Tim and learn about the Mission and Vision of Eureka UMC and you're also encouraged to ask questions about our various ministries and missions.
2017 dates for "Ice Cream With the Pastor":
Sunday, April 30th at 11 am
Sunday, June 4th at 11 am
Sunday, August 6th at 11 am Register for this Ice Cream With The Pastor
Sunday, September 17th at 11 am
Sunday, October 29th at 11 am
The Next Step
Next, you'll gather with a group of other families who are interested in finding a connection into the life of this amazing church. You and your group will meet with Pastor Tim and other leaders at Eureka UMC and engage in wonderful discussions over the course of four, one hour gatherings over the span of two months. The discussions include: What does it mean to be a Christian? What is unique about the Methodist Church? How do I grow in my faith? How do I live out my faith?
New Member Connect Class Dates:
Sunday, June 25 11am-Noon
Sunday, July 9 11am-Noon
Sunday, August 13 11am-Noon
Sunday, August 20 11am-Noon
The Next Step
Next, you'll be introduced to a "Connect Coach". This coach is someone who serves in a leadership role at Eureka UMC. Our guests routinely tell us that being paired with a Connect Coach is the most amazing part of finding a connection at Eureka UMC!
The Next Step
Once you and your family have found your connect, a place to grow and serve, at Eureka UMC, you'll have the opportunity to officially join the church as new members.
Are you ready to take the next step? Please contact Pastor Tim at tim.schulte@eurekaumc.org to begin this amazing journey to connection at Eureka UMC!